Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Spoonfull of Sugar Can Scare the Crazap Out of Kids

We rented Mary Poppins for the kids again. I am always surprised that they actually sit though the 4 hour movie (ok it's not THAT long) and that I can take a nap; Mary Poppin's powers reach far beyond the pixels of the TV screen, me thinks...

Anyway, they were sitting watching the part of the movie where the children's nursery was a total disaster, and Miss P. starting happily singing that song about swallowing sugar, basically trying to tell the kids that yes! cleaning up your pit of a room can actually be FUN! Novel idea.

I asked the kids, "hey, would it be fun if I made cleaning a game, and sang songs while you cleaned your room?"

Jacob, without even looking away from the screen said, "no."

I was a little shocked, "what," I said, "you like it better when I stand over you and scream at you to pick up your mess?"

Without shifting an eye, he says, "well, it's better than THAT!", pointing at the screen.

Hmmm...I guess this is just what makes him all warm and fuzzy 'round these parts:

Oh guess what...*grabbing my umbrella as ominous music fills the house* it's time for them to start cleaning...


TheClayMuse said...

oh man that trailer is too much!

w said...

mayerbe poppins. that be 'er name. she be cull to the touch. an' 'er shoes be always varnished.

that ended up sounding more pirate than ghetto english.

Banteringblonde said...

wow... um yes that is a bit freaky!

The Retired One said...

Pretty supercalifragilisticexpialidocous!!!

Jennifer said...

LOL! Well, when you put it THAT way...

Lucky Girl said...

Love the music--too funny!

Anonymous said...

Why would someone do that to Mary Poppins?! Why? WHY?!?

Modern Mom said...

It's really funny, love it!

Btw, I love the new look here. :)

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