Saturday, April 4, 2009

Have You Ever Had One of Those Days...

...when you find a food that your child loves, only to buy a ton of it and then have them nearly puke when they eat it again?

...when you realize what you are wearing to take out the garbage makes sense, but as you're walking back to your door, you just know people that see you are thinking, "is that a crazy person who's lost?"

...when no matter how hard you try, you can't keep up with the dishes even though you don't remember cooking/eating?

...where everything you wanted to buy at the store was out of stock, and you get so flustered that you forget to buy tampax, the one thing you really needed?

...when you have more zits than your teenage niece and more cellulite than your 82-year-old grandma?

...when somehow YOU made your HUSBAND feel inferior and slightly self-conscious about his appearance?

...when you think you have a great blog post and you sit down to write it and it's in fact total crap and you think you should just throw your laptop out a two story window?

...when you feel like Edward Cullen stole all your best friends?

...when you're walking through the parking lot at the grocery store, and while you're walking a truck drives behind you, and the guys in it holler and honk at you? You're disgusted, and flattered, by their attention...then you walk by your reflection and see that your bright blue underwear is hanging out the back of your jeans...??

...when cookies don't even taste good, but you eat them anyway?

...when you're walking the Runway of Life with all the other supermodels (or supermoms, or superwives) and you are the only one to slip and fall on your keister?

Yeah, me neither...


Kristi W. said...

Oh Kimmmmmmmmmmmmmmy,
Are we twins separated at birth? Me thinks so! FYI - Edward didn't steal ME away from you, I'm resisting the Twilight movement. Unlike others I know... And I thought the underwear you were sporting were hot pink tiger stripes, weren't they? Just had to out you on that one.

;) K

robin said...

or when you reach in to get the booger that is pinching the skin in your nose and you realize mid pick that you are in public. true story.

Vickie said...

Everything is true for me, but the Edward thing. Sorry, I am not into Twilight. Maybe someday.

Did you have one of those days when your DVR didn't tape a show you wanted.

Vickie said...

Or the day you found out that you have vertigo. Yeah, not cool.

Kearsie said...

Or when you're out to eat and something falls on your shirt all the way down your darm brown shirt and you don't realize it and everyone is staring at your boobs?

yeah, me neither.


Or when your inlaws are visiting and you're at your vacation place at the beach and there's a tornado and everyone is looking at you as if it's your fault and what are we going to do noooooooooooooowwwwwwwww......

Jennifer said...

I have that day every other day of the week. :-)

Insanitykim said...

Woah, you are all relating, in seriously funny ways (Robin, WHAT???)...I might have to do this every so once in a while...

w said...

fine. i'll be the first to admit it. dude. i have nothing. i'm drained. it's edward's fault.

man. even the name drop is direct.


melissa said...

just so you know...i hated the twilight book. i read the first few pages and couldn't read on. you...are not alone. and the movie...feh. well...edward is hot. but...the movie...bleh. but edward...

Insanitykim said...

Ya know what is funny is that I thought that Pattinson guy is one of the weirdest looking people I have ever seen!

But I agree book, not interested; movie, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Seriously.

Pam said...

My sister is a Twilight freak..I mean fan. ;) She bought me the stupid book for Christmas. I'm refusing to read it!

modern mom said...

Oh yes! I've had most of them. ;)

Happy Easter!

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