So today is the hubby's birthday. I still vividly remember the first birthday I celebrated with him! Every moment! And, I got him this:

Please. It was 18 years ago. Don't ask me questions I cannot answer. I can't remember a thing. Um...
So these days we are older, more pragmatic (I think) and basically all about just eating some good food and relaxing. So today, I will clean up the house, the kids will make a cake that starts out looking like this:

Which I pray will end up looking like this:

And then I will roll up my sleeves, imagine that Gordon Ramsay is in the room with me, but that he has laryngitis and an over-abundance of benevolence, and I will attempt to make this:

Which will be enjoyed with some of this:

And later when the kids are asleep, we will enjoy some of this:

With a glass or two of this:

While we watch the latest epi of this:

And at 3 am I just might get up and have more of this:

Shhhh don't tell!
Yeah, it's simple. But it's bliss...

ha! it's awesome! yay birthday hubby! happy day to you. you two enjoy it. and the kids too!
it really does sound wonderful (if i insert my own nonsense t.v. show in place of survivor. we each have our own placeholder of that sort).
big hugs!
Wow, that looks great. What time should I come over and join you guys?
OH YEAH!! BEst birthday gifts ever!
A sword, cake, food, wine and TV all in the same post. There's a first and you saw it all right here at Insanity Bliss.
Uhhh, so my birhtday is in less than a month from now... Can you book a flight out to do this for me as well? Thanks a bunch.
Hmmmmm a sword, huh? Me thinkst someone doth visit the Renaissance fair on the regular.
That looks like a delish birthday meal. I hope it goes well and that Ramsey shuts his flaming pie hole while you are cooking the rack of lamb.
gitl, you scared me when you said, and i quote:
"and later when the kids are asleep, we will enjoy some of this".
i didn't know what you were gonna write about. but i see. OLD cheese. and MANdarin oranges? hey. whatevar makes you happy.
i don't watch survarvor. outdwight. outpamlay. outlangela.
happy birthday hosh!
I'm typing this with my Glocks, but methinks it would be waaaaay easier to type with the sword. You would stay ON POINT and be SUPER SHARP. Also, I typed SHART the first time, I'll bet you're super glad I have a backspace button.
Happy birthday Josh!
i can't standley it.
what whale you be doing that you'll be up at 3am cravaring chocolatan cake!
I'll skip it all and go straight for the champagne!
I actually gave my husband a sword once, too. And then there was the canoe and one time, a bust of Abraham Lincoln.
In hindsight, that one wasn't too well thought out.
Happy Birthday to your husband. Have a grand celebration!
Haha! Now THAT'S the way to tell a story!! Hope you have a GREAT evening!! Cheers!
Looks like a perfect birthday - will you marry me? If only my Hubs did all you are doing... Enjoy!
Hope it was a great day, although I think I saw on FB there was something with the cake... But I'm sure your worked it all out!! Happy Birthday to your hubby!
That is my kind of birthday! Good thing we don't live closer..I have a feeling we would be eatin buddies:)
a sword?! that's like the coolest gift ever. and here i was thinking savings bonds were the way to go...blast.
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