Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This Just In...

So, with all the coverage in the news, and all the hype and all the concern, and all the questions and all boogly-boo-doo and run-on-sentences I am writing to say...

I have been exposed to Swine Flu!!! I was with said Swine Flu person for 4 hours, and left just two hours before said person was knocked down with fever and all the awful symptoms. And here I thought I would have more chance of exposure on the plane! Poor, poor friend. Resting at home and hopefully on the up and up.

Oh the drama...

The gasping and wailing, especially since...I...am...now...SICK!!!

Really, after I got over my initial shock, dismay and freak-out moment, I realized it is just the inconvenience of it all that is bothering me. I have a huge test to take this Sunday, one I cannot skip out on, so I must be well. My son was already sick with something (the kid just loves touching the inside of his nose waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much) but I am sure it's not THE Swine Flu. However, we ran out to the Urgent Treament Center, got checked and our noses swabbed (hard to believe my son hated it so much, considering that is where his finger is most of the time!) we are on 10 days of Tamiflu as a precaution (mostly because hubby, who will be here soon, gets pnemonia very easily when sick), since I was in such close proximity, but I am sure you won't get it by reading my post....pretty sure anyway...

So just writing to say, flu is flu, and having flu in the summer is lame, so, whether you get a flu shot every year or not, WASH YOUR HANDS, COVER YOUR COUGHS WITH YOUR ELBOW, and for the LOVE PLEASE STAY IN IF YOU'RE SICK!!! I will not accept blog comments unless you wash your hands before typing...

At least the internet is working right now.


Unknown said...

Um. That's not cool. Hope you feel better soon.

w said...

beware. pigs eat people.

in fmbw, we will test shots on cruise. who, btw, will rotate between shirts that say "vartan rocks" and "bear rocks" and "fmbw doesn't have vampires" (as sad as it is).

get well soon. and stop sticking the thermometer in your ear! you're going to get ear wax all over it.

Stephanie said...

Yikes! Must say you seem to be handling it all very well. Get well very soon:)

The Retired One said...

What a bummer! Get well soon....
my niece (13 yrs. old)was diagnosed with THE Swine Flu last week, too.

Running Mommy said...

Just goes to show you: you can catch the flue anywhere. Hope you feel better soon.

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