Even though I am not being paid to say this or being compensated in any way, (you know how careful we need to be these days with our open adoration) let me just say I am SO happy that Netflix came into my life. So so so so times 10 nonillion happy! (nonillion represents the number one followed by 30 zeros, so says my son...I also love Brainpop. I digress...)
And I hate bats. I don't ever need to be paid to say that! HATE HATE HATE! DIE DIE DIE!
You're scratching your head asking,"why am I reading this?" "what the what do these two things have to do with anything?"
Well, recently my kids stumbled upon the popular 1970's series Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids.
You're totally following me now, right?? Do you all remember this show? You're all, "no?" "ohhhh I get it now she TOTALLY makes sense!" I loved watching this show as a kid, and now, watching it as an adult, I love it even more. It ran for 12 years, and I hope good ol' Netflix adds every single season. Because I love Netflix. I just do.
Bill Cosby was pretty fly in the 70's if you ask me, and strangely enough I cannot find a picture to explain what I am taking about; but it's amazing to see how he changed over the years, becoming quite Dr. Huxtable-ish towards the end of the series, where before he was a young, awesome fro wearing, tight-yellow shirt donning, bicep-flexing dude...
So when this show is on, I have no problems just letting the kids watch, without any supervision (well I am around it's just, I can, um, just, sit). The characters are endearing and thoughtful, they are silly but not obnoxious, they have wit and they always learn a lesson, whether it is the lesson of not being had or taken by false advertising, brushing your teeth and not eating too many sweets to avoid painful dentist visits, being patient and saving your money to buy what you want, or
In this particularly frightening episode it wasn't a bat (thank the Lord above) but a mangy dog who nipped the finger of one of the characters. If the kid had been bitten by a bat I might have blown up the computer monitor with my mind powers and called 911, Animal Control, Poison Control and the Pentagon all at once. Maybe someday I'll explain why I hate bats so much, but even now seeing the word like 3 times on my blog makes my intestines do things I don't want them to do...as does the word rabies. Why do I torture myself?
So Fat Albert and the gang were able to quickly locate and identify the evil, 4-legged frothing creature from the many evil, 4-legged frothing creatures roaming about, and it in fact did not have rabies (it was just dang ugly and maybe a tad thirsty and crabby) and therefore the character didn't have to get shots and I didn't need therapy. I nodded my head in earnest when Bill came back onto the screen and implored the children of the world (or at least the US) to never ever EVER EVER!!! touch a stray animal ANYTHING outside, even if it's cute, lost, hurt, sad, free, dead, little, or talking to them. Especially if it's talking to them.
So c'mon moms, on that upcoming rainy day or snow reprieve (I'm so so sorry) turn on Netflix "watch instantly" and learn your kids something beneficial in a wonderfully made cartoon series by Bill Cosby.
Man, am I the queen of free endorsements or what??

And I hate bats. I don't ever need to be paid to say that! HATE HATE HATE! DIE DIE DIE!
You're scratching your head asking,
Well, recently my kids stumbled upon the popular 1970's series Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids.

Bill Cosby was pretty fly in the 70's if you ask me, and strangely enough I cannot find a picture to explain what I am taking about; but it's amazing to see how he changed over the years, becoming quite Dr. Huxtable-ish towards the end of the series, where before he was a young, awesome fro wearing, tight-yellow shirt donning, bicep-flexing dude...
So when this show is on, I have no problems just letting the kids watch, without any supervision (well I am around it's just, I can, um, just, sit). The characters are endearing and thoughtful, they are silly but not obnoxious, they have wit and they always learn a lesson, whether it is the lesson of not being had or taken by false advertising, brushing your teeth and not eating too many sweets to avoid painful dentist visits, being patient and saving your money to buy what you want, or
In this particularly frightening episode it wasn't a bat (thank the Lord above) but a mangy dog who nipped the finger of one of the characters. If the kid had been bitten by a bat I might have blown up the computer monitor with my mind powers and called 911, Animal Control, Poison Control and the Pentagon all at once. Maybe someday I'll explain why I hate bats so much, but even now seeing the word like 3 times on my blog makes my intestines do things I don't want them to do...as does the word rabies. Why do I torture myself?
So Fat Albert and the gang were able to quickly locate and identify the evil, 4-legged frothing creature from the many evil, 4-legged frothing creatures roaming about, and it in fact did not have rabies (it was just dang ugly and maybe a tad thirsty and crabby) and therefore the character didn't have to get shots and I didn't need therapy. I nodded my head in earnest when Bill came back onto the screen and implored the children of the world (or at least the US) to never ever EVER EVER!!! touch a stray animal ANYTHING outside, even if it's cute, lost, hurt, sad, free, dead, little, or talking to them. Especially if it's talking to them.
So c'mon moms, on that upcoming rainy day or snow reprieve (I'm so so sorry) turn on Netflix "watch instantly" and learn your kids something beneficial in a wonderfully made cartoon series by Bill Cosby.
Man, am I the queen of free endorsements or what??

fat oldbert never taught me anything except that song by abba. you know. dannycing queen. he sang it once. maybe. it was in the same epi as when he got his hands stuck in the silly pudi.
also. he should stop eating out at oldlive gardman. it's not slimming.
Hey Hey Hey! I always liked the kid with the hat pulled over his head...
Howbie dobee Fabby Albbbert?
I'm just glad I got to see a new post by ya
I can't believe you wrote about Fat Albert! Just last week my husband and I were discussing the Fat Albert gang! Only because I was saying how Tim Urban's hair on American Idol reminds me of Dumb Donald.
Didn't want you thinking we just sit around discussing Fat Albert all day.
man. i bet you were hyperventilating when dwight trapped that bat over meredith. if i had known, i would have warned you. or at least grabbed my camera.
Holy Hell!! I love Fat Albert! I need to rent this pronto!
I watched the series, but for the life of me can't remember any of the details. I guess thats what killing your brain cells with many a cocktail will do to ya. But I did have a boyfriend once that could do a SPOT ON Bill Cosby, I mean SPOT ON. Whenever we would go out, it was all everyone wanted to hear after a few drinks. Good times . . . with Bill Cosby that is, not the ex-boyfriend.
Hey Hey Hey!
That's said in a deep voice just like the Fat man himself.
Anyhoo. Yeah. I love FA. I did NOT know that Netflix had it to view on demand and NOW I will never get off the internetz. Cool!
They can also learn how to make instruments from junk yard parts!
I am so glad I read this post. I am in dire need of new viewing material for my daughter.
I am not being paid for the above opinion. But I'm willing to be.
I totally remember Fat Albert. lol And I am so in love with my Netflix instant streaming, it could be unhealthy. ;-)
Ahhh I loved Fat Albert as a kid!! Brings back fun memories!! :)
Also, I'm wondering if you would be interested in participating in my Mom Blogger Contest for $100 Cash prize during the month of April for MissTutu.com?
The details are here http://www.misstutu.com/mom-blogger-contest.html
Thanks for considering! I think your readers will really enjoy this too!
We love, love, love Brainpop, too. My kids have been subscribers for a couple of years now. Also, they are huge Fat Albert fans. They get the dvds from - you guessed it - Netflix.
I'm all about convenience.
I must have missed that episode... And you know what? We don't do Netflix! BUT WAIT! DON'T GET UPSET! I so want to, The Husband is the holdout!!!
Oh. And what's BrainPop?
Oh I must have missed that episode....but now I have that dumb theme song drumming in my head. Thanks alot! lol
I don't remember watching Fat Albert but remember hearing quotes. I hope my kids will watch it with me on Netflix. We need new viewing material.
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