Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Am Ready for the Holidays!

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StudiusMaximus said...

Why are we so serious?

Unknown said...

Dude. You do the worm? And break dance? You are my new fave.

And I miss you.

robin said...

jacob's face is perfect! kind of this gangsta look. awesome kimmy!

Cluttered Brain said...

Great dance moves! I'm going to check this site out! :) Wonder if there is anything for Thanksgiving?

Vickie said...

OMG!! I remember these things from last year!! Thanks for showing. I was wondering when I was gonna start feeling are festive. This helps!!

w said...

you know i love that stuff. howevar. i am dissappoited that you ded not dance to "party in the usa". that would've been so much better. mayerbe.

also. i need to think of more uses for mayer. and john just doesn't work anywhere.

The Retired One said...

I am totally going to steal this from you and put it on Facebook as a greeting.
Thanks, it was adorable!!

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