Mentally gone? Hahahahaha that happened a long time ago! But seriously...
Some of my homies may have noticed I have been MIA in the comments...things have been changing around here...
So I am taking a hiatus. Yes. I am. Don't cry too much. It's not forever, but, it will probably be for a while.
If you're shocked and red in the face and screaming at me through your monitor, totally not liking this decision well, I have two things to say. 1. WOW! You really like me! You're weird (heh heh)! and 2. I am taking this time to work on my outside-of-the-home profession. No, not bull-riding, ASL interpreting.
My archives could use a good dusting off (hint hint). So, if any of you all leave me new comments I will be certain to write you back...but, in case you want some direction, here are some fan faves as well as my own...
Mountain Climbing
I Love my Boy
I Love my Girl
Broken Computer Cords
Scary Petting Zoos
Potty Training
Junior Section
It's Not Cancer!
Here's a fun video to watch if you know nothing about interpreting, or Sign Language, or Vanilla Ice, because he fell off the face of the planet. Check out Keith Wann. I had the pleasure of working with him back in the day, before he was famous. Here's a taste of his comedy skits he takes all over the nation. I love the funny in all expressions!!
How long will I be gone? Not sure. Hopefully not too long. I hope you all will stick around until then, and that the party is still going strong when I get back!
Until then,

Some of my homies may have noticed I have been MIA in the comments...things have been changing around here...
So I am taking a hiatus. Yes. I am. Don't cry too much. It's not forever, but, it will probably be for a while.
If you're shocked and red in the face and screaming at me through your monitor, totally not liking this decision well, I have two things to say. 1. WOW! You really like me! You're weird (heh heh)! and 2. I am taking this time to work on my outside-of-the-home profession. No, not bull-riding, ASL interpreting.
My archives could use a good dusting off (hint hint). So, if any of you all leave me new comments I will be certain to write you back...but, in case you want some direction, here are some fan faves as well as my own...
Mountain Climbing
I Love my Boy
I Love my Girl
Broken Computer Cords
Scary Petting Zoos
Potty Training
Junior Section
It's Not Cancer!
Here's a fun video to watch if you know nothing about interpreting, or Sign Language, or Vanilla Ice, because he fell off the face of the planet. Check out Keith Wann. I had the pleasure of working with him back in the day, before he was famous. Here's a taste of his comedy skits he takes all over the nation. I love the funny in all expressions!!
How long will I be gone? Not sure. Hopefully not too long. I hope you all will stick around until then, and that the party is still going strong when I get back!
Until then,

i'd tell you i'm gonna miss you. but i'm not. because i whale still talk to you everyday. and that's when you'll give me little updates on how your signage for oldbama and michdical termanology is going.
does stopping the blog mean stopping all radio appearances?
also. i just thought of something. um. this isn't fair. because you'll still get to use special words on my blog... but i can't use them on yours! that's kinda cheating.
remember when jim dumped karen for pam. yeah. i'm still not over that. i can't believe he even wants to marrydith her. i mean. she has stans on her teeth! she eats cucumber sandwiches on ryan bread! she didn't finish school so she has no creedentials. she refuses to kapoor anyone a drink. she's da whitest chick. an gela can't even keep her hair in place!
hey. it's my last one for a while. had to make it good.
also. can we kill the beef blog?
GOOD LUCK and come back soon! :)
Enjoy the journey and see you on the flip side!
Cheers :)
Damn, what is something I said?
I love having your blog show up in bold in my Google Reader because I know I'm going to be smiling soon.
Come back soon.
Best of luck!!!! Come back soon =)
well I am will be will be back, right? I mean...I don't want to have to go through withdrawls..*sniff* Okay I'll be fine..where's my teddy bear..
Best of luck to you! Hope to see you soon, cheers!
yumihamano at gmail dot com
AAWWW!!!! Kim!!! I haven't even got to dig in over here yet. I guess I will have time to now. Boo! I need you to be my uterus mentor!!!! So expect a great deal of overshare in your inbox from time to time. But seriously, hope you are getting a lot accomplished in the professional realm. Good luck!!!
Enjoy the break.
Into every bloggers life a hiatus must come.
I have learend over the years that the people who really love your writing will always be there for you when you get back - and those are the ones who matter most.
That being said. I'll be here my friend.
Enjoy your time away...
i will remain at one.
Good luck! Hope you come back soon, but take your time, k?
You shall be missed.
I might have to stalk you old school.
Like show up at your house with all my bags packed full of plastic knives and stuffed bats.
Or, you know, the phone.
First of all, in your honor I am not going to blog for five minutes straight.
Second of all, due to my constant brow beating, we are up to 65 archived listens.
Third of all, I will miss you tremendously. In all seriousness, I will miss you. I will. Come back soon.
Good luck on your new adventure and hurry back with your funny stories! We'll miss you!
i knew this moment would come. i know you will not be gone forever, but do you remember charles kuralt? at the end of every news broadcast he would say, "this is charles kuralt, signing off". well on his very last broadcast, my mom and i were both bawling cause we knew that would be the last time we would hear him say that. do not sign off for good kimmy. america needs you.
And for goodness sake, you BETTER keep entering my monthly photography contests!!!!
Take care and do what you gotta do...and get it out of your system and get your ass back here where it belongs. No disrespect! But, gosh, girl....don't go long.
Total're one of my favorifics. But, I'll deal and good luck to you working on your profession!
i wanted toby clear on something. i must remain at (darryl i say it) number one.
this is getting old, man.
yeah. that's all i'm doing.
Hey Kim -
I just awarded you a Kreativ Blogger Award cuz your blog ROCKS. Pick up your badge at my blog:
Eeek I am going to miss you my fave stalker! Take care of you and see you when you return!
I was looking forward to reading more...and then you disappear...I'll definitely check out the favs, wish you success right now, and await your return.
Aww, I'm gonna miss you! Good luck and keep in touch! Oh, and "Eeeeeuuuuwwwwwwaaaaaaiiiiiioooooooaaaaaii" (that's please come back soon in whale language). But I guess you already knew that being an interpreter and all!
Oh man! I come back and everyone leaves!!!
Dont' be gone too long! I haven't "seen" you in MONTHS!!! LOL!!!
we should go to gary, indimana. like on varcation. if spam doesn't taste good, it's because of pam. you know it, too.
EFF Kim. You're STILL not back?
speaking of scary. aiding and abedding. i wish i knew the others.
oh well.
i'm going to get a snack. a bag ell perhaps.
How odd that I stumble across your blog just as you are taking a break to pursue your career :)
First of all,well done you for taking the big step :)
Enjoy your time away and come back with loads of interesting stories to tell!
I have been taking the break on and off for the past couple of months. I went back to work part time and it has messed up my computer mojo. No longer a SAHM:(
LOL!! The video was FUNNY! That is me on the phone. I am always making faces. Especially at work when the person is asking a question.
Take it easy:)
i guess we'll just have to do it normally without any special words. twss.
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